
As the clinical and research foundations of REDs grow, so does the availability of resources and tools to learn more about it. Find some of our suggestions below to help further your knowledge of REDs and put you on the path to health and performance.

Your Healthcare Provider

  • While all the information on this site is backed by leading research and clinical practices regarding REDs, this site is not a substitute for a proper evaluation from a healthcare provider. Seek out a healthcare provider for further education, prevention, and treatment of REDs.

Additional Sites

Screening Tools

  • IOC REDs Clinical Assessment Tool — Version 2 (REDs CAT2)

    ”The IOC REDs CAT2 is a clinical assessment tool for the evaluation of athletes/active individuals suspected of having problematic low energy availability (LEA) leading to REDs and for guiding the determination of level of sport participation. The IOC REDs CAT2 is designed for use by athlete health and performance teams, led by a physician, in the clinical evaluation and management of athletes with this syndrome.”