
  • Description Kathryn (Kate) Ackerman, MD, MPH, FACSM is the Founder and Director of the Female Athlete Program and Biennial International Female Athlete Conference at Boston Children’s Hospital, the Associate Director of the Sports Endocrine Research Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital, and an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. She earned her BA from Cornell University, MD from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health, and completed her residency in internal medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. She completed her sports medicine fellowship at Boston Children’s Hospital and endocrinology fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

    She chairs the US Rowing medical committee, is a member of the World Rowing medical commission, and is a Deputy Editor of the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Her research focuses on female athlete health and the various aspects of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs). She has authored/co-authored over 100 articles and book chapters related to sports medicine, endocrinology, rowing, bone health, and female athletes, including position statements with the International Olympic Committee. Athletically, Dr. Ackerman represented the US as a lightweight rower at the World Championships, having taken up rowing as a walk-on at Cornell. She has multiple National Championships titles and still competes with her teammates for life as a masters athlete. Most recently, she has become a Member of the National Leadership Council for the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance, a $220mill initiative to improve health and performance globally. Dr. Ackerman is leading the Alliance’s focus on scientific advancements for women.

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  • Louise is a sports dietitian with 40 years of experience in the education and counseling of elite athletes. She worked at the Australian Institute of Sport for thirty years, first as Head of Sports Nutrition and then as Chief of Nutrition Strategy. She was the team dietitian for the Australian Olympic Teams for the 1996-2012 Summer Olympic Games. Her publications include over 350 papers in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters, and the authorship or editorship of several textbooks on sports nutrition. She is an editor of the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. Louise was a founding member of the Executive of Sports Dietitians Australia and is a Director of the IOC Diploma in Sports Nutrition. She was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in 2009 for her contribution to sports nutrition. Louise was appointed as Chair in Sports Nutrition in the Mary MacKillop Institute of Health Research at Australian Catholic University in Melbourne in 2014 and took up this position in a full-time capacity in 2020.

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  • Grace Saville is a clinical research assistant at the Wu Tsai Female Athlete Program at Boston Children’s Hospital. Grace graduated from Georgetown University with a major in Biology of Global Health, and minors in Physics and Math. Grace is passionate about REDs and female athlete research, contributing to the 2023 IOC REDs updates. Grace is also the logistics chair of Female Athlete Conference.

  • Margo received her medical education and her family medicine training

    at McMaster University, Canada and her sports medicine specialty degree in Ottawa, Canada. Margo received her PhD from the VU University in Amsterdam. Margo was the medical and scientific lead at the Health & Performance Centre at the University of Guelph where she focussed her practice on promoting elite athlete care and physical activity promotion in the general population. In addition, Margo has acted as the national team physician for Synchro Canada for 20 years as well as for the National Endurance Training Centre Athletes (middle- and long-distance track athletes) and the National Triathlon & Wrestling team training centres.

    Margo is a Clinical Professor in the Faculty of Family Medicine in the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University, Canada where she is the Dean of the Waterloo Regional Campus.

    Margo is the Chair of the ASOIF Medical Consultative Group and a member of the IOC Medical Commission Games Group. She currently consults for 3 International Federations: FIFA, International Golf, and World Rugby. Margo’s areas of research focus on elite athlete health and well-being. She is the lead author of the IOC Consensus Statements on REDs.


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  • Dr Trent Stellingwerff serves as a Senior Advisor, Research & Development at the Canadian Sport Institute Pacific (Victoria, Canada), joining CSI Pacific in 2011. In this role, he directs several different research projects across different sport performance discipline areas. His primary sport and research focuses are in the field of physiology and nutrition interactions, as well as environmental (altitude and heat) expertise. He co-chairs Canada’s Olympic/Paralympic Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) working group. Trent has more than 115 peer-reviewed scientific publications, and authored 10-book chapters, in the areas of exercise and skeletal muscle physiology, sports nutrition and performance. Trent has been an invited expert presenter and author for many international nutrition consensus statement meetings with the IOC (International Olympic Committee), FINA and World Athletics, and is a member of the International Advisory Board for the IOC Diploma Program in Sports Nutrition. He has also provided physiology expertise to Canada’s National Athletics, Rowing, Triathlon and Mountain bike teams. Over the years, Trent has attended and serviced athletes over 4 Olympic/Paralympic Games, 4 Commonwealth Games and >15 World Championships across several sports.

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  • Dr. Ida Heikura, PhD is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Canadian Sport Institute Specific. Her work focuses mainly on REDs research.

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  • Monica is a professor in sports science at the University of Agder, Faculty of Health and Sport Science, located in the southern Norway. She is a member of the interdisciplinary Sports Performance and Athlete Development Environments (SPADE) research group that strive to develop and maintain a continuous research portfolio with strong international impact. Monica has done research for over 20 years on topics related to the Female Athlete Triad and the various aspects of REDs, with a special focus on disordered eating/eating disorders and bone health, including both female and male athletes. She has authored/co-authored nearly 100 scientific articles/book chapters related to sports medicine and physical activity and health. In addition, Monica is also employed as scientific consultant and head of the sport nutrition department of the Regional Center of the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee where she works with top level athletes and coaches representing all sports in the southern region of Norway. She is also currently leading the work of establishing the FIDES research center: Female Inclusion and Development in Exercise and Sport, where focus will be on female athletes’ biological, psychological and social development. Monica has an athletic background from dance, team handball and cross country skiing.

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  • Bryan Holtzman is a medical student at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennyslvania and received his bachelor's degree in biochemistry from Middlebury College. Academically, he is interested in female athlete health, ranging from eating disorder treatment, bone stress injuries, menstrual dysfunction, and other endocrinopathies, to addressing other health needs of outdoors athletes. Athletically, he was a sprinter at Middlebury and now is a mountaineer. He also coached high school girls track and field at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School (MA) and worked in the biotechnology industry. Bryan is a #heforshe who recognizes discrepancies in female and male athlete research and wants to work together for change.

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  • Prof. Naama W. Constantini, MD, DFM, FACSM, Dip. Sport Med. (CASM), is the director of the Heidi Rothberg Sport Medicine Center in Shaare Zedek Medical Center affiliated to the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. She is also the chairperson of the National Council for Women's Health, Ministry of Health and the chair of Exercise is Medicine Israel. In 2021 Prof. Constantini was elected to the board of Trustees of the American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) and as of 2022, she is the chaiperson of the LEN (European Federation of water sports) Medical Committee. She was the Olympic doctor of the Israeli delegation to the Sydney 2000 Games and the chair of the Israeli OC Medical Committee for over 10 years. For the past 18 years Prof. Constantini is the team physician of the Israeli Swimming Association, which includes swimming, open water swimming & artistic swimming and for the last years she is the team doctor of the females of the national climbing squad. Constantini is a consultant of the Health Ministry, the Sport Ministry and the IDF with regard to sport & exercise and is a member of several national advisory boards including the Dairy Council, Osteoporosis Association, Israeli Defence Force Physical Fitness Research Group, Israeli Heart Society Sport Cardiology Forum and more. Her main topic of research since the beginning of her career is the female athlete, especially eating disorders, low energy availability, menstrual cycle issues and stress fractures. Naama is a member of the IOC female athlete and RED-S working group.

  • Joe DeLeo is a strength and conditioning coach and currently a PhD student in Exercise Physiology in the Jayhawk Athletic Performance Laboratory at the University of Kansas under Dr. Andrew C. Fry and Dr. Kathryn Ackerman of the Female Athlete Program. Joe served as Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for Portuguesa de Remo from 2018 to the conclusion of the Tokyo Olympics in 2021. During his tenure as Head S&C won a total of 10 international medals at World Cups and European Championships. The Portuguese LM2x qualified for the Tokyo Olympics and finished 13th. Joe has also been a presenter at the USRowing Conference and Joy of Sculling Conference. Joe earned a Master of Science in Sports Performance with First Class Honors from the University of Limerick in 2021. His current research interests include athlete monitoring & field based assessments, the endocrine system, blood lactate analysis, improving force and power through strength & conditioning for endurance athletes.

  • Megan Kuikman is a Registered Dietitian and is currently completing her PhD at Australian Catholic University. Prior to this, Megan completed her master’s thesis at the University of Guelph and the International Olympic Committee Sports Nutrition Diploma program. Megan’s current research is focusing on best practice protocols for the use of resting metabolic rate measurements to diagnose REDS in athlete. Megan also serves as a co-chair for the Dietitians of Canada Sports Nutrition Network.

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  • Ella Smith is a PhD student at the Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research at Australian Catholic University. Ella completed a Master of Science in Exercise Physiology at Liverpool John Moores University, alongside a Bachelor of Science (with honours) at the University of Bath. Ella also completed a one-year placement at the Western Australian Institute of Sport, working with athletes across numerous sports. Her PhD research focuses on exploring the relationship between female hormonal profiles and athletic performance.

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