Media Presence
Engage with REDs stories from all perspectives: straight from the athletes, the news, and the medical and sports science professionals.

Athlete Stories
News Articles
Videos and Podcasts
Engage with REDs stories from all perspectives: straight from the athletes, the news, and the medical and sports science professionals.
Athlete Stories
“Mary Cain’s male coaches were convinced she had to get “thinner, and thinner, and thinner.” Then her body started breaking down.”
“I’m an oldish guy (54), a noncompetitive runner, and as about as far away from the elite athletes typically associated with Relative Energy Deficiency Syndrome (RED-S) as one can be. Yet I am suffering from an energy imbalance that has surreptitiously hobbled me during the last two years.”
“Earning a stars and stripes jersey wasn’t a new experience for Winder—she won one on the road (2009), one on the track as a junior (2010), and two on the track at the elite level (2010, 2013). But the fact that she did it this year was a surprise, because in the months leading up to the race, Winder had been quietly dealing with a common but often overlooked sports-related medical issue that was wearing away her physical and mental health.”
News Articles
“Disordered eating is not just a women’s problem. But many coaches, athletes, and even doctors fail to recognize it in men. The consequences can be devastating.”
“After discovering most of our top female rowers were at risk of RED-S syndrome, Rowing NZ and its coaches helped the athletes take up a challenge to eat more.”
“Eating enough food can be a high stakes game for athletes, as undereating can lead to negative impacts on fundamental body processes…Eat enough, always. Eat too much, sometimes. Eat too little, never.”
Videos and Podcasts
Hear from Dr. Nicky Keay on topics including REDs, hormones, health and performance.
Watch Dr. Margo Mountjoy present on the pathophysiology, evolution and impact of REDs.
Find episodes on REDs specifically as well as dozens of others relating to all aspects of performance and the female body.
Hear Joe Deleo ‘sit down with Caroline MacManus, Head of Athletic Performance for Rowing New Zealand and Christel Dunshea-Mooij Head of Performance Nutrition at High Performance Sport NZ to discuss LEA, RED-S, and how they work with athletes and coaches within a high performance unit to optimize performance.’
Watch a series of educational videos created by the International Olympic Committee discussing the female athlete triad, body image, and the importance of healthy eating and exercise patterns.